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Just So Characters


Elephants Child (Male)

The youngest elephant of the group – inquisitive and excitable. He asks far too many questions for the other elephants’ liking. The story follows his journey to save the lives of all the other animals in the world. His relationship with the Kolokolo Bird is very important to the plot. He must be able to show a wide range of emotions from brave and excitable to defeated and lonely.


Kolokolo Bird (Female)

Scatty northern bird of unknown origin! Part parrot, part peacock. Does not believe she has the ability to fly until she is needed to in order to save the Elephants Child. Accompanies him on his quest to rid the world of Pau Amma – the crab. Strong characterisation required and great comic timing. Hard on the surface, but emotional and unsure of herself underneath.


Parsee Man (Male)

Famous baker who has become stranded on a desert island, with only his faithful stove as his companion. Must have a mock French or Italian accent. A real extrovert – must be a strong singer, dancer and actor!


The Stove (Male or Female)

Sergeant Major style character, tough and strong, but easily scared by the Rhino and Pau Amma. Stiff upper lip British accent.


Rhino (Male)

Greedy, spoilt schoolboy, with a huge appetite! Difficult singing and must be able to portray a ‘big’ character, if not physically!


Jaguar and Leopard (Male)

Couple of lads – smooth talking, fast working guys, always on the prowl for a tasty girl – to eat! They chase the Zebra and Giraffe throughout the show. Great singing and a good chance for boys to dance.


Zebra and Giraffe (Female)

A couple of dim girls – very ‘Sharon and Tracy’. They need to work very well together as a double act and their dialogue is very funny with lots of humorous throwaway lines. Great singing and a tap number!


Kangaroo (Male)

Australian Kangaroo who is treated like a superstar by his Wallaby girl groupies! Must have the ability to ham it up and strut his stuff, whilst bouncing on a trampoline!


Dingo Dog (Female)

Australian wild dog that lives in the outback and chases the Kangaroo relentlessly. Must have strong characterisation and a very strong bluesy voice.

Eldest Magician (Male)

Narrator of the show. Excellent singing voice required and the ability to believably add to the story and interact with the animals, without taking anything away from the animals. A strong acting role.


Other characters include:


Indistinguishable animals (whole company)

Elephant families

Dancing and singing chefs



Jungle Light singers and dancers